Download Life Risk News Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025
There are now 11 participating life insurers in the UK pension risk transfer market, with three of those entering in the last seven months. That doesn’t mean that the floodgates are open for many more, however. Greg Winterton spoke to Chris Rice, Head of Trustee Services at Broadstone, to get his views on the outlook for insurer activity in How Many Life Insurers Can the UK Pension Risk Transfer Market Sustain?
UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves wants to unshackle billions of pounds locked in defined benefit pension fund surpluses to help stimulate the domestic economy. Mark McCord spoke to Lara Desay, Head of Risk Transfer at Hymans Robertson, and Frankie Borrell, Head of BPA Origination at Royal London, to get their insights into how such a move might impact the country’s bulk purchase annuity market in Questions Over UK Pension Risk Transfer Market as Government Mulls Defined Benefit Pension Surplus Changes.
There have been some encouraging developments in the treatment of kidney disease in recent months, after decades of inactivity. Greg Winterton spoke to Fergus Bescoby, Head of Underwriting at CG Analysts, to get his views on how this might affect life expectancy underwriting in Recent Developments in Kidney Disease Treatment to Have Little Short-Term Impact on Life Expectancy.
QIAIFs, including life settlement funds, domiciled in Ireland received positive news in early March, as a consequence of the Central Bank of Ireland publishing the 50th edition of its AIFMD Q&A. Greg Winterton spoke to David Naughton, Partner and Head of Investment Funds and Financial Services Regulation at law firm Byrne Wallace Shields, to understand more about any potential impact on the life settlement market in Central Bank of Ireland AIFMD Q&A Update Provides Boost to Alternative Investment Funds.
Falls in the elderly population are a common reason for emergency room visits and hospital admissions. Scott McClure, Medical Director at Fasano Underwriting, looks at how life expectancy underwriters consider this risk in Falls: Significance in Life Expectancy Underwriting, a guest article.
Longevity risk is one of the largest risks that life (re)insurers are exposed to and many firms maintain a longevity risk capital model, making sure the methodology remains relevant and proportionate to the risk. Megan Hart, Senior Consultant, and Ross Murray, Partner and Head of Longevity at Hymans Robertson, take a look at these models, considering how they may evolve with post pandemic data and Solvency II reforms in Spotlight on Longevity Capital Models, our second guest article this month.
The Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority’s Life Insurance Stress Tests (LIST) have now begun for some of the larger insurers in the country. Greg Winterton caught up with Roger Lawrence, Managing Director at W L Consulting, to get his views on the LIST and its potential impact on the market for this month’s Q&A.
A new paper from Klarity and Munich Life Re US has examined physical activity data from wearable technology and tied this data to mortality risk. Greg Winterton spoke to Will Cooper, Founder and CEO of Klarity to get his thoughts on what this means for the life risk space in New Insights from Wearable Technology Data Could Have Significant Impact on Longevity and Mortality Markets.
I hope you enjoy the latest issue of Life Risk News.
Chris Wells
Managing Editor
Life Risk News